26 August 2008

Dear Faithful Readers,

by which I mean Stephen Holmes, I have not abandoned you. All of my time has been devoted to moving into, arranging, and rearranging my new room the last couple of days, but it is finished! I will be back soon with a heap of posts on the swiftly approaching drop in temperature. Until then.


kyle said...

you must be mighty strong to arrange and rearrange an entire room.

I hope the oncoming cold does not sap you of your power.

Meagan said...

on the contrary, the cold is my power.

Steven said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Steven said...

I am the author responsible for the deleted comment.

And I expect a heap of posts ASAP.


(thanks for the help last night)

kyle said...

Then I fear for the city of nashville.